
1994 - desk - unifor

Designed for the fitout of the Fondation Cartier offices inParis, the Less range has become a major reference in the history of contemporary design.

Jean Nouvel wanted to add a sympathetic furniture range to the architecture of the Fondation Cartier, which is distinguished by its transparency and dematerialisation, and so he proposed a silent furniture system that’s simply elegant, free of any rhetorical flourishes. In its architectural coherence, the set constitutes a “landscape”.

For the table, he explains: “I wanted to achieve the archetype of the table, but I also wanted people to ask themselves ‘how is it made?’, ‘how does it hold together?’.” Its delicacy should come close to seeming impossible, to being like the effect of a miracle.

The range includes a table, bookshelf, cabinet, drawer unit [and computer cart].


The totem is a strict metal cabinet revolving on a square base. The shape of the cabinets resonates with the interior fitout of the Fondation Cartier, whose translucid glass partitions dictated that they be freestanding. The idea was to circle around the totems, which swivel on their bases. They come with a double drawer unit accessible on two opposing sides thanks to a system of doors that rotate laterally.



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