
2012 - mailbox system - decayeux

Transcript is presented as a wall of names. Behind the apparent simplicity of an aluminium façade, there is the interplay of variable combinations of letter-boxes and accessories as a lining for entrance halls of all configurations.


“The entrance hall of an apartment block is a space that speaks of its residents, of the families or businesses the building houses: it’s a noble place that should invite respect and be the pride of those who walk through it. The challenge here was to come up with a system based on letter-boxes that makes the most of the distinguishing feature of the space–simply, and no matter what the typology of the lobby involved.
This project seemed to me to be an opportunity to increase the standing of the residents by using their names: I thought of walls of names. In reference to the engraved nameplates you find on monuments, I imagined units of written script that would reconfigure the architecture. I like the idea of a highly symbolic place: the only thing that matters is the writing that punctuates the walls and creates the identity of every apartment building entrance. I imagined a lobby more the colour of aluminium, from light to dark, but also gun metal grey, or even red. It’s more a system of parameters in which the boxes can be moved around and their features and colours altered. Architects can adopt and adapt it.”

Jean Nouvel

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